Ep 14 // Vaccine Passports, & A Chat with Maxime Bernier

Vaccine passports come to BC - necessary public health measure, or tyrannical overreach?

In much more exciting news, we had a chance to sit down with Maxime Bernier, the leader of the People’s Party of Canada.

We talk about his arrest, identity politics, being bold amidst cancel culture, globalism vs national sovereignty, Canadian identity, Jordan Peterson, the influence of China, and a bunch more.

Thank you so much for watching! If you enjoy the podcast, please like, subscribe, and consider helping us with the following!


Save $40 on your first GoodFood box! // https://www.makegoodfood.ca/en/referred-by/l1560373


People’s Party of Canada Website // https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca

Mises Institute // https://mises.org

Normal Flu More Deadly to Children than COVID // https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news...

BC COVID Death Rate // https://corona.help/country/canada...

BC COVID-19 Dashboard // https://experience.arcgis.com...

BC Vaccine Passport Details // https://www2.gov.bc.ca...

Save Small Businesses BC Telegram Channel // https://t.me/joinchat/h5_Okd1FTqphOTIx


EP 15 // Escaping Authoritarianism - A Chat w/ Chris Sky


Ep 13 // Re-Funding the Police & Jon Stewart: Conspiracy Theorist